Becoming Real.

What happens when we allow Jesus to define reality?

Weekly worship | Saturdays 5 pm, Sundays 9 am and 10:30 am

2000 Wesley Ave. | Janesville, WI 53545 | 608-752-0548

Cargill United Methodist Church embraces and welcomes all of God’s children, created in God’s image as people of sacred worth. We will continue to build a church that affirms the full participation of all ages, nations, races, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, or any other differences, real or perceived.

Scholarship Opportunities

Cargill United Methodist Church has four scholarships available to its congregation members and/or the local community.

All applications must be submitted by no later than March 23, 2024

Upcoming Events

Goshen Quilters

Goshen Quilters Mondays | 8:30 – 11 a.m.For all experience levelsMeets in room 110 Join us for quilting and fellowship on Monday mornings.All experience levels are welcome.Come as you are. Equipment and supplies provided.


Aerobics Weekdays | 9 – 10 a.m.Typically meets in the fellowship hall All are welcome for light aerobics and conversation.Every Tuesday we stay after for coffee and fellowship.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Every Monday | 1 – 2:30pm | Lounge Prayer Shawl Ministry is a unique and powerful expression of God’s love and care.  We will gather for knitting or crocheting, conversation and snacks with the specific purpose of making and blessing Prayer Shawls. Cargill UMC has a rich history of Prayer Shawl ministry, and many people have been touched by the loving talent of knitters and crocheters.    It combines the love of knitting/crocheting with compassionate care into a prayerful ministry which reaches…

Adult Fellowship & Craft Night

You are invited for an evening of crafting and fellowship. What you need to know 5pm until we go home | Come when you can Enter from the west entrance Bring your own supplies for your project  All are invited | Bring a friend Monthly event | Watch for future datesNote: This is intended as an adult fellowship opportunity, but well-supervised children are also welcome. Contact Toni Rossmiller with questions/feedback (608) 572-3906.

Recent Videos

February 16, 9 AM | Worship

Today’s worship “Becoming Real.” Message by Pastor Amy Powell. Songs God is Here, Hymnal, 660 God Is Here Today, The Faith We Sing 2049 (1x only) Seek Ye First, Hymnal 405 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Close to Thee, Hymnal 407 Worship leaders AV | Chuck Bennett, John Williams, Carter Burton. Violin | Alison Jewer. Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality. Ministry Moment | Christen Martine. Organ | Brian…

February 9, 10:30 AM | Worship

Today’s worship “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.” Message by Pastor Steve Scott. Songs His Mercy is More Great is Thy Faithfulness Goodness of God 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, Addison Baker. Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality. Worship Leader | Brittney Mansur. Credits Bible translation from New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ…

February 9, 9 AM | Worship

Today’s worship “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.” Message by Pastor Steve Scott. Songs Come and Find the Quiet Center, The Faith We Sing 2128 God Is Here Today, The Faith We Sing 2049 (1x only) Lord, Speak to Me, Hymnal 463 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Hymnal 140 Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, Gabe Corro. Cello | Lori Meyer. Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters;…