Upcoming Worship

Saturday Worship

Saturday Evening Worship Saturday’s service is a chance to worship if your Sunday schedule doesn’t allow or if you prefer a relaxed gathering with a smaller group of worshipers and is held in our 70 person Chapel.

Sunday Worship

9am Sunday Worship Service This service is a traditional service with spoken word, music and prayer that reflects the fullness and beauty of Christian worship. We use hymnals but the music is also printed on the screen. Held in the main Sanctuary worship area that holds 400 people.

Sunday Worship

10:30am Sunday Worship Service This service is more casual and conversational. A new way of worshiping at Cargill UMC and held in the main worship area (Sanctuary). We invite those families with children to worship together for the first 10-15 minutes in the main worship area. Then, children ages 5 through fifth grade are invited to follow their youth shepherds to age-level Sunday school.

What’s Dinner Church?

What’s Dinner Church Dinner Church: A Preview Friday, March 7 | 6 – 7:30pm | Fellowship Hall We will enjoy a meal together while welcoming one of our MCCI prescription coaches, Heather Evans. She is providing resources for “New Skills: Befriending the Unchurched” prescription team. On this evening, Coach Heather will demonstrate to us what Dinner Church is and hint at what opportunities Dinner Church can give us to connect with others beyond our walls. On this evening, Coach Heather will demonstrate to…

Taizé Prayer Service

Taizé Prayer Service Wednesday, January 15 | 6:30 – 7:30pm Prayers of Unwavering Faith with Special Music Taizé services will run through the year, bimonthly. What is a Taizé Service? Taizé prayer service invites you to worship God through the singing of simple songs,  reading of holy scripture & the offering of silent prayers. Questions? Contact Pastor Amy Powell