Baptisms & Weddings

Baptisms & Weddings


What is baptism?

As United Methodists, we believe that baptism unites us with Christ’s church. Baptism brings new members into the fellowship of the church and marks the beginning of a process of growth toward God. It’s a symbol of new life and a promise of God’s saving love, and a sign of God’s forgiveness for our sins. Water is the special symbol of baptism.

Baptism is not a private ceremony, because it is the beginning of a relationship between the congregation and those being baptized. Therefore, we conduct baptisms as part of our regularly scheduled worship services.

How baptism occurs in worship

When a person is baptized, the pastor will sprinkle water three times on the head of the baptized: in the name of God, of Christ Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit. The water symbolizes the grace of God being celebrated in this sacrament through Jesus, the living water (John 4:10-11).


We invite the naming of sponsors for adults or Godparents for infants. These are to be spiritually mature and trustworthy Christians who would serve as spiritual guides and mentors, taking to themselves the responsibility of encouraging and guiding the person baptized into the Christian faith.

Although it is not mandatory to name Godparents or sponsors, it is welcome gesture of support for those being baptized and their families.

Do we baptize infants or adults?

Both. We do not dictate a certain age for a person to be baptized. We believe that infant baptism emphasizes that God’s love is freely given, not “earned” by our actions. It is the privilege of the church and its members to nurture, affirm and support all members. Infant and children’s baptism is a way the church ritualizes and affirms that a child is never outside the love, acceptance, forgiveness and mercy of God.

To schedule a baptism, or to ask more questions

Please email Pastor Steve Scott or Pastor Amy Powell, or by phone at (608) 752-0548.


Members and friends of Cargill UMC who wish to be united in Christian marriage may do so in 400-seat Sanctuary or the 70-seat chapel. In some instances, pastors of Cargill may officiate services for members and friends outside of the church building.

Couples seeking to be married by a Cargill pastor participate in three 90-minute conversations designed to introduce themselves to the officiant, and to help prepare not only for the wedding but for marriage.

Those desiring to be married at Cargill agree to the following:

  • $50 registration fee at the time a date is reserved
  • $150 for a wedding coordinator
  • $200 clergy honorarium
  • $150 utility fee (waived for members)
  • $150 per musician (organist, pianist, vocalist) as arranged by Cargill UMC

To inquire about scheduling a wedding, email office manager Jo Barrow or call (608) 752-0548.