What Are Your Services Like?
We worship through music, spoken word, prayer, and learning from Scripture. Some of our services follow a set order of worship, while others are more informal.
When Do You Worship?
Worshiping together is the heart of what we do as the church. It’s how we “get on the same page” as Cargill people and connect with one another. All worship services are held in the main sanctuary. You may worship at one of several times each week. Past services are available on YouTube and live-streamed at 9 a.m. Sundays.

This is a chance to worship if your Sunday schedule doesn’t allow. It’s a relaxed gathering with a smaller group of worshipers.

Experience the heart of the Christian tradition with spoken word, music and prayer that reflects the fullness and beauty of Christian worship.

A fresh expression of worship: Church for a changing culture. Focused on listening as well as speaking, connecting worship & service, and growing as followers of Jesus.
What is Typical Attire
You may dress comfortably for worship. You will find many wear casual clothes (including shorts in summer), while others are attired more formally. Either way, we welcome you!
Where Can I Park?

The West Lot is our largest, and allows easy access to the West Entrance, as well as a walkway to the North Entrance. There is handicapped parking availbale and a covered area for drop offs.
The North entrance does not have a dedicated parking area except for several handicapped parking spots and street parking along Wesley Avenue.
There is also a South entrance but it used mainly for our Learning Center to keep it secure.
Children’s Sunday School
At 10:30 am each Sunday. We invite families to spend the first 10-15 minutes together in worship. Then, children ages 5 through fifth grade are invited to follow their youth shepherds to age-level Sunday school.
Note: On the first Sunday of the month, we invite everyone regardless of age to remain in worship as we celebrate Holy Communion together. We do not schedule children’s Sunday school on the first Sundays of the month.
Youth Classes
We have groups specifically for youth 6th through 8th grade and from 9th through 12th grade. They are designed to help young people understand their faith through the lens of real-life experience.
We also offer a youth faith-formation class called Confirmation, which begins November 13, 2022 and runs until October 2023. Adults are also welcome. For more information about Confirmation Class, contact Pastor Amy Powell.
Free Child Care in Our Nursery

We offer free child care in a supervised nursery during both the 9 am and 10:30 am Sunday worship services. For children up through age 4. You may bring your child before the service begins or at any time during worship. Pagers are available to rest your mind at ease and our staff is happy to answer any of your questions.
We also do our best to offer childcare during special events and services.
About Baptism
As United Methodists, we believe that baptism unites us with Christ’s church. Baptism brings new members into the fellowship of the church and marks the beginning of a process of growth toward God. It’s a symbol of new life and a promise of God’s saving love, and a sign of God’s forgiveness for our sins. Water is the special symbol of baptism.
About Holy Communion
In the United Methodist Church, we practice open Communion. That is, all who are baptized in any Christian tradition are welcome to receive the bread and cup as Jesus gave them to the disciples.
You are welcome to come forward as the pastor extends Jesus’ invitation to “all who love God, seek to follow him, and pray to live in peace with one another.”
All bread served is gluten-free. Grape juice, not wine, is offered.
Communion is typically celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
About the Offering
You will find offering plates at the back of the sanctuary at the end of each service. You also may give online – regularly or a one-time contribution.