
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Every Monday | 1 – 2:30pm | Lounge Prayer Shawl Ministry is a unique and powerful expression of God’s love and care.  We will gather for knitting or crocheting, conversation and snacks with the specific purpose of making and blessing Prayer Shawls. Cargill UMC has a rich history of Prayer Shawl ministry, and many people have been touched by the loving talent of knitters and crocheters.    It combines the love of knitting/crocheting with compassionate care into a prayerful ministry which reaches…

GIFTS Men’s Shelter 

Serve GIFTS Men’s Shelter February 23 – March 1 | 1025 N Washington St., Janesville, WI Cargill provides one week of meals and volunteers, four times a year.  We collaborate with other churches in our area so GIFTS can offer an invitation to God’s promise of eternal life with Him.  If we are open and ready, God can change our lives. Please open your hearts to our homeless neighbors. To continue supporting this worthwhile ministry, we need many servants. Options available: breakfast, dinner,…

Ukulele Gathering

Ukulele Gathering: Strings of Praise 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month | 3 – 4:30pm | Lounge The gathering will be ran by Caryn Baham and Pat Tobin and will meet the first and third Sundays of the month at 3:00pm in the lounge. All are welcome regardless of musical abilities to take part in a group setting to play ukulele and sing songs of praise, faith, and more. If you’ve never played a uke before, Pat and Caryn will share…

GIFTS Thrift Store

Come and Serve The 2nd Saturday of Every Month Lunch after at Culver’s on Milton Ave. Meet at the store | 1141 Black Bridge Rd.  What might we be doing? Sort merchandise | Unload donations | Stock shelves | Create displays Volunteers from the past events | We have lots of fun!