Videos on Romans
January 12, 10:30 AM | Worship
Today’s worship “J is for Judgment.” One of an occasional series of The Bible A to Z. Message by Pastor Steve Scott, based on Matthew 7:1-2, Romans 14:10-12, James 4:11-12
January 12, 9 AM | Worship
Today’s worship “J is for Judgment.” One of an occasional series of The Bible A to Z. Message by Pastor Steve Scott, based on Matthew 7:1-2, Romans 14:10-12, James 4:11-12 Songs Lord, Speak to Me, Hymnal 463 God Is Here Today, The Faith We Sing 2049 (one time only) Help Us Accept Each Other, Hymnal 560 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Blest Be the Tie That Binds, Hymnal 557 Worship leaders AV | John Mansur, Mark…
October 27, 10:30 AM | Worship
Today’s worship Pastor Steve Scott preaches the final of a three-part series, “Bold, Passionate & Inquisitive: It’s that whole being a disciple thing.” Based on the Scripture from Romans 12:2. Songs Forever His Glory and My Good 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul) Christ is Mine Forevermore Ministry Moment Caring Ministries Team Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, tba Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality Spoken Word | tba Welcome Center |…
October 27, 9 AM | Worship
Today’s worship Pastor Steve Scott preaches the final of a three-part series, “Bold, Passionate & Inquisitive: It’s that whole being a disciple thing.” Based on the Scripture from Romans 12:2. Songs Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty, Hymnal 64 Change My Heart, O God, The Faith We Sing 2152 (2x) Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Maker, in Whom We Live, Hymnal 88 Ministry of Music “Disturb Us, Lord,” sung by the Wesley Chorale Ministry Moment Caring…
September 1, 10:30 AM | Worship
Today’s worship ‘L’ is for Labor. A message by Pastor Steve Scott, based on Romans 8:22-25. In this occasional series, “Bible Stories A to Z,” messages will focus on a letter of the alphabet as a way to enter the stories of Scripture. Songs Praise Good Good Father Promises In Christ Alone Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, tba Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality Spoken Word | tba Welcome Center | tba…
September 1, 9 AM | Worship
Today’s worship ‘L’ is for Labor. A message by Pastor Steve Scott, based on Romans 8:22-25. In this occasional series, “Bible Stories A to Z,” messages will focus on a letter of the alphabet as a way to enter the stories of Scripture. Songs Surely the Presence of the Lord, Hymnal 328 For the Fruits of This Creation, Hymnal 97 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Ministry of Music O Rest in the Lord by Mendelsshon Laudamus…
June 9, 10:30 AM | Worship
Today’s worshipLife-Changing Moments: Seeing God in the grandiose and in the details. Scripture focus: Romans 12:2 SongsHoly, Holy, Holy, Hymnal 64All Things Bright and Beautiful, Hymnal 147Glorify Thy Name, The Faith We Sing 2016Together We Serve, The Faith We Sing 2175Worship leadersAV | Krystal Burton, tbaPiano | Brian LeeperSpoken Word | Julie Buckman, Greg Devine, Bruce Martin, Maddie SchulzWorship Leader | Patty HenrichsCreditsThe United Methodist Hymnal © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing HouseThe Faith We Sing © 2000 Abingdon Press…
June 9, 9 AM | Worship
Today’s worshipLife-Changing Moments: Seeing God in the grandiose and in the details. Scripture focus: Romans 12:2 SongsHoly, Holy, Holy, Hymnal 64All Things Bright and Beautiful, Hymnal 147Praise the Source of Faith and Learning, The Faith We Sing 2004Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94Together We Serve, The Faith We Sing 2175Ministry of MusicBlessings, sung by Wendy Casey, Pam Graper, Barbara McCrory Worship leadersAV | Krystal Burton, Chuck Bennett, tbaOrgan | Brian LeeperSong Leaders | Wendy Casey, Pam Graper,…
Apr. 28, 10:30 AM | Worship
Today’s worship What is Power? (And Should We Be Scared?) Message by Pastor Steve Scott. Scripture: Songs Glory to God Forever Great is Thy Faithfulness Cares Chorus Christ is Mine Forevermore Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, tba Ministry Moment | Christen Martine, Daryl Spors (video) Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell Worship Leader | Brittney Mansur Credits CCLI Church Copyright License® #1362167 CCLI Streaming License™ #CSPL140741 One License #A-741550 Faith resources “Dynamite Prayer: A 28-Day Experiment,” by Rosario…
Apr. 28, 9 AM | Worship
Today’s worship What is Power? (And Should We Be Scared?) Message by Pastor Steve Scott. Scripture: Songs Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying, The Faith We Sing TFWS 2193 Maker, in Whom We Live, Hymnal 88. Sweet, Sweet Spirit, Hymnal 334 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Holy, Holy Holy! Lord God Almighty Hymnal 64 Ministry of Music I Will Sing New Songs, sung by Ruth Hansen, accompanied by Brian Leeper Ministry Moment Patty Henrichs invites…
Sept. 17, 10:30 AM | Worship
Today’s worship: Who Are We To Judge?,by Pastor Steve Scott Scripture focus: Romans 14:1-12 Songs: Forever King of Kings Oceans Reckless Love Worship Leader: Brittney Mansur Ministry Moment: MCCI Express Day, Monday, October 2, at Cargill UMC
Sept. 17, 9 AM | Worship
Preparing Our Hearts for Worship Calling on God O Breath of Life Hymnal 543, vs. 1 Opening Prayer Maker, in Whom We live Hymnal 88 Honest Questions, Compassionate Response Ministry of Music Breakthrough Prayer Ministry Moment Teaching & Message Who Are We To Judge? Amazing Grace Hymnal 378, vs. 1, 3, 4, 6 Generosity & Gratitude Praise God, from Whom … Hymnal 94 The Lord’s Prayer Freely, Freely Hymnal 389 Blessing Go in Peace