Videos by Pastor Seogmin Kim

Associate Pastor

September 22, 10:30 AM | Worship

Today’s worship “Christian Hospitality: Loving Without Fear”. A message by Pastor Amy Powell, based on Luke 19: 1-10 Songs Here I am to Worship Christ Is Mine Forevermore Build My Life Blessed Assurance Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, Craig Johnson Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality Worship Leader | Brittney Mansur Ministry Moment | Dianne Edson Credits Bible translation from New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. © 2021 National Council of Churches…

May 22, 2022 | Worship

Opening the Heart. God doesn’t tap us on the shoulder and then leave us alone to figure it out from there. God is a constant presence, guiding, advising, hinting, strengthening us for the journey into discipleship. Scripture focus: John 14:23-29 Anthem – The Lord Bless You and Keep You, Wesley Chorale, by John Rutter

Apr 14, 2022 | Maundy Thursday Worship

In word and song, Pastors Steve Scott, Seongmin Kim, Stu Allen and Ann Scott will lead us in remembering how Holy Communion began. You are invited to participate. You don’t have to be a church member to do so. The Cargill Quartet will lead us in song and special music, beginning with singing together and concluding the service with a stirring musical reminder of Jesus’ way of suffering, the Via Dolorosa.

Apr 10, 2022 | Worship

You Are a Group Project. All our hiding and pretending that we are “perfectly fine” all on our own doesn’t work. God is offering us freedom from isolation as we are called into the kind of community Christ had in mind for all. Scripture focus: Luke 19:28-40

Mar 20, 2022 | Worship

Lots of things can be medicine.Lying fallow and getting fertilized with laughter and tears at the crappy stuff of life can help heal what ails us and that is sometimes productive enough. Scripture focus: Luke 13:1-9 Anthem: Ah, Holy Jesus, Alleluia Ringers, by Terry Osman

Jan 09, 2022 | Worship

Today is the second Sunday of the New Year and the first Sunday after Epiphany, the time when Jesus Christ came to this earth and showed God’s glory. Epiphany is one of the three seasons the early church upheld, like Easter and Pentecost. In other words, Epiphany is important to us because during this season, through Jesus Christ the glory and power of God is shown to us. Today’s scripture from Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 will lead us to the story…

Dec 5, 2021 | Worship

The Second week of Advent. Jesus: The Hope of the World. This week: Peace Refined The first two Advent candles are lit. Scripture focus: Luke 3:1-6 Including the celebration of Holy Communion. Music by the Wesley men’s and women’s choral ensembles. With Brian Leeper on pipe organ and Pam Graper on piano.

Oct 31, 2021 | Worship

All-Saints Day. A sometimes-overlooked holy day in United Methodist congregations, All-Saints Day is not nearly as well known as the day before, All Hallows’ (Saints’) Eve, better known as Halloween, but is far more important in the life of the church. Music by the Wesley Chorale: For All the Saints

Aug. 15, 2021 | Worship

Order of Worship Gathering MusicPastor’s WelcomePreludeTo prepare our hearts for worshipOpening Prayer♫ SongSanctuary, The Faith We Sing #2164,sing twiceChildren’s TimeScripture♫ Music MinistryMessageChrist, the cornerstoneBased on Ephesians 2:11-22Please see Scripture on backLet Us Pray♫ SongWe are God’s People, The Faith We Sing 2220, verses 1, 3 2220, verses 1, 3 The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdomcome, thy will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us this day our daily…
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