MCCI Express Day
Monday, October 2 | 6pm – 9pm | Fellowship Hall
A one-of-a-kind event: an evening devoted to the past, present and future of Cargill United Methodist Church.
This is not just for leaders – but for everyone who attends Cargill United Methodist Church and makes this their church home.
Refreshments will be served at 6pm followed at 6:30pm by a guided spiritual conversation led by Sue Nilson Kibbey of Dayton, Ohio to help us see how the life of our church is shaped by Jesus’ ministry. Then she’ll guide table conversations and invite feedback to questions about Cargill’s aspirations, dreams and challenges.
This important evening is part of our journey with the Missional Church Consultation Initiative (MCCI). Sue and a team of trained leaders will be spending in-depth time at Cargill.
Childcare will be available.
On Sunday, October 8 we will offer one service at 10am with the intention of sharing the teams results, followed by a church wide lunch.