The Path of Discipleship. As we say farewell to our associate pastor Seongmin Kim, we are reminded that as she moves on and we continue on, all of us are on a path of discipleship.
Pastor Seongmin has been appointed to serve as pastor of Lake Mills UMC beginning July 1. She came to Cargill in 2018, the year she was commissioned as a provisional member of the Wisconsin Conference.
“I truly enjoyed learning and growing up through the ministry experience at Cargill UMC during the last four years. I appreciate the whole congregation of Cargill UMC who opened their hearts to me and accepted me as I am as their pastor, and boldly walked with me the new ministry journey with our trust in God. All the memories with you will support my future ministry. Thank you!” – Pastor Seongmin Kim
Scripture Focus: Galatians 5:22-25 / Luke 9:51-62