September 4, 2022 | Worship

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship


Calling On God Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Hymnal 349

Stand Up and Bless the Lord Hymnal 662

Honest Questions, Compassionate


Ministry of Music Wesley Chorale


Teaching and Message At Work As It Is In Heaven

Response to the Word

Take My Life, and Let It Be Hymnal 399

Communion Prayer Praise God, from Whom … Hymnal 94

The Lord’s Prayer

Ministry Moment

All Who Love and Serve Your City Hymnal 433

Blessing & Benediction

Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell
AV | Mark Banner, tba
Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas
Moench, ushers; Diane Quade, hospitality; Aleta Thompson, Communion steward
Music | Wesley Chorale, Marie Severing, director
Organ/piano | Brian Leeper
Spoken Word | Aleta Thompson, Dianne Edson
Full staff |