September 11, 2022 | Worship

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship 


I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light | Hymnal 206

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing | Hymnal 57

Honest Questions, Compassionate Response 

Ministry of Music, Wesley Chorale | Praise His Holy Name, by Keith Hampton

Teaching and Message, based on Luke 15:4-7 | Pastor Steve Scott

Lord, I Want to Be a Christian | Hymnal 402

Ministry Moment 

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow | Hymnal 94

The Lord’s Prayer 

O God, Our Help in Ages Past | Hymnal 117

Blessing & Benediction

Go in Peace

Worship Leaders 

Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell

AV | Krystal Burton, Mark Banner, Logan Shapiro

Music | Wesley Chorale; Marie Severing, director; Pam Graper, accompanist

Organ | Brian Leeper

Prelude | Prelude on Three Spirituals, by Rulon Christiansen

Postlude | O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing, by Eleanor Whitsett

Today’s Scripture