Today’s worship
Pastor Steve Scott preaches the final of a three-part series, “Bold, Passionate & Inquisitive: It’s that whole being a disciple thing.” Based on the Scripture from Romans 12:2.
His Glory and My Good
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul)
Christ is Mine Forevermore
Ministry Moment
Caring Ministries Team
Worship leaders
Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality
Spoken Word | tba
Welcome Center | tba
Worship Leader | Brittney Mansur
Bible translation from New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America
CCLI Church Copyright License® 1362167
CCLI Streaming License™ CSPL140741
One License A-741550
Faith resources
The Life with God Bible, NRSV, published by Zondervan
Membership to Discipleship: Growing Mature Disciples Who Make Disciples, Phil Maynard