July 21, 9 AM | Worship

Today’s Worship

“K is for King Solomon.” Based on the first biblical book of Kings, we meet a leader who asked for wisdom and understanding, not money or power. (In this occasional series, “Bible Stories A to Z,” messages will focus on a letter of the alphabet as a way to reflect on the stories of Scripture.) Scripture focus1 Kings 4:29-34


Let’s Sing unto the Lord, Hymnal 149

All Things Bright and Beautiful, Hymnal 147

Wellspring of Wisdom, Hymnal 506

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94

All Praise to thee, for Thou, O King Divine, Hymnal 166

Ministry of Music

This We Pray, sung by Jan Giovannetti, composed by Jay Althouse, accompanied by Brian Leeper

Worship Leaders

AV | Mark Banner, tba

Organ | Brian Leeper

Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell

Song Leaders | Marie Severing, Richard Severing

Vocal Soloist | Jan Giovannetti


The United Methodist Hymnal © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House

Faith Resources

The Life With God Bible, NRSV, published by Zondervan