Today’s worship
“B is for Boat.” One of an occasional series: “Bible Stories A to Z.” In this occasional series, messages will focus on a letter of the alphabet as a way to reflect on the stories of Scripture. Today, based on Luke’s account of fishermen having a bad day, we contemplate how Jesus changes things when he shows up. Whatever we expect to happen when things go badly, God can surprise us. Scripture focus: Luke 5:1-11
Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore, Hymnal 344
How Firm a Foundation, Hymnal 529
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94
Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing, Hymnal 671
“Pie Jesu” from the Requiem Mass by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Sometimes a Light Surprises, by Craig Courtney
Sung by Marie Severing and Richard Severing, accompanied by Brian Leeper
Homeless Intervention Task Force
Worship leaders
AV | Mark Banner, tba
Organ | Brian Leeper
Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell
Song Leaders | Marie Severing, Richard Severing
Spoken Word | Ramona Hohenstein, Dianne Edson
The United Methodist Hymnal © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House
Faith resources
The Life With God Bible, NRSV, published by Zondervan
Sounds of the Eternal: A Celtic Psalter (Morning & Night Prayer), John Philip Newell, © 2012 New Beginnings