July 14, 9 AM | Worship

Today’s worship

“B is for Boat.” One of an occasional series: “Bible Stories A to Z.” In this occasional series, messages will focus on a letter of the alphabet as a way to reflect on the stories of Scripture. Today, based on Luke’s account of fishermen having a bad day, we contemplate how Jesus changes things when he shows up. Whatever we expect to happen when things go badly, God can surprise us. Scripture focus: Luke 5:1-11


Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore, Hymnal 344

How Firm a Foundation, Hymnal 529

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94

Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing, Hymnal 671

Ministry of Music

“Pie Jesu” from the Requiem Mass by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Sometimes a Light Surprises, by Craig Courtney

Sung by Marie Severing and Richard Severing, accompanied by Brian Leeper

Ministry Moment

Homeless Intervention Task Force

Worship leaders

AV | Mark Banner, tba

Organ | Brian Leeper

Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell

Song Leaders | Marie Severing, Richard Severing

Spoken Word | Ramona Hohenstein, Dianne Edson


The United Methodist Hymnal © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House

Faith resources

The Life With God Bible, NRSV, published by Zondervan

Sounds of the Eternal: A Celtic Psalter (Morning & Night Prayer), John Philip Newell, © 2012 New Beginnings