August 14, 2022 | Worship

“What is Religion For?” Or, Looking for Allies in a World of Enemies. Message by Pastor Steve Scott.

Here is the order of worship:

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship

Welcome 3:52

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Hymnal 349

Lord God, Your Love Has Called Us, Hymnal 579

Honest Questions, Compassionate Response 10:56

Ministry of Music | That Old Time Need of Prayer 12:54

Teaching and Message 16:29

Filled with the Spirit’s Power, Hymnal 537

Prayer Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94

The Lord’s Prayer Ministry Moment | Women’s Day Apart

Help Us Accept Each Other, Hymnal 560

Blessing & Benediction

Today’s Worship Leaders Pastors | Steve Scott, Amy Powell

AV | Mark Banner, to be determined

Cargill Quartet | Elizabeth Armstrong, Stew Hebel, Marie Severing, Richard Severing

Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Moench, ushers; Diane Quade, hospitality

Organ/piano | Brian Leeper

Spoken Word | Dianne Edson, Barbara Thompson

Today’s Scripture | The Gospel of Mark, chapter 9, verses 38-50