Upcoming events are listed on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also show a Monthly Calendar. Events can be set to recur automatically with Church Content Pro.
Sunday Worship
9am Sunday Worship Service This service is a traditional service with spoken word, music and prayer that reflects the fullness and beauty of Christian worship. We use hymnals but the music is also printed on the screen. Held in the main Sanctuary worship area that holds 400 people.
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study Sundays | 9 – 10 a.m.Meets in Room 106 | Led by Daryl Spors Join us for an Adult Sunday school class on Sunday mornings.
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Screenings Have your blood pressure checked and discuss the results with Briana Spors from Looking Up: A Health and Wellness Ministry. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning | Library For more information about Looking Up visit us online
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School Every Sunday (Except the 1st Sunday of each month)10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Everyone begins in worship together. Children may sit with their families or enjoy the children tables at the front of the Sanctuary. Following the Honest Questions, Compassionate Answers, children ages five through fifth grade will be invited to follow a shepherds to age-level Sunday school. Note: On the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday), children are invited to stay in worship with their families…
Sunday Worship
10:30am Sunday Worship Service This service is more casual and conversational. A new way of worshiping at Cargill UMC and held in the main worship area (Sanctuary). We invite those families with children to worship together for the first 10-15 minutes in the main worship area. Then, children ages 5 through fifth grade are invited to follow their youth shepherds to age-level Sunday school.
Ukulele Gathering
Ukulele Gathering: Strings of Praise 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month | 3 – 4:30pm | Lounge The gathering will be ran by Caryn Baham and Pat Tobin and will meet the first and third Sundays of the month at 3:00pm in the lounge. All are welcome regardless of musical abilities to take part in a group setting to play ukulele and sing songs of praise, faith, and more. If you’ve never played a uke before, Pat and Caryn will share…
Goshen Quilters
Goshen Quilters Mondays | 8:30 – 11 a.m.For all experience levelsMeets in room 110 Join us for quilting and fellowship on Monday mornings.All experience levels are welcome.Come as you are. Equipment and supplies provided.
Aerobics Weekdays | 9 – 10 a.m.Typically meets in the fellowship hall All are welcome for light aerobics and conversation.Every Tuesday we stay after for coffee and fellowship.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Every Monday | 1 – 2:30pm | Lounge Prayer Shawl Ministry is a unique and powerful expression of God’s love and care. We will gather for knitting or crocheting, conversation and snacks with the specific purpose of making and blessing Prayer Shawls. Cargill UMC has a rich history of Prayer Shawl ministry, and many people have been touched by the loving talent of knitters and crocheters. It combines the love of knitting/crocheting with compassionate care into a prayerful ministry which reaches…
UWF Book Club
United Women in Faith Book Club 3rd Monday of every month | 1:30 – 3pm | Room 111 We are a relaxed book discussion group reading selections each month from the 2020-2025 UWF Reading Program. All are welcome. Reading schedule:
Adult Fellowship & Craft Night
You are invited for an evening of crafting and fellowship. What you need to know 5pm until we go home | Come when you can Enter from the west entrance Bring your own supplies for your project All are invited | Bring a friend Monthly event | Watch for future datesNote: This is intended as an adult fellowship opportunity, but well-supervised children are also welcome. Contact Toni Rossmiller with questions/feedback (608) 572-3906.
Upper Room Study
Prayer and Upper Room Study Wednesdays | 9:30am | Room 111Led by Madelyn Glaeden This study follows the monthly Upper Room book.