Richard Severing has been Director of Music at Cargill United Methodist since 2002. He earned his Bachelor of Music Education Degree from Milton College in 1966 and his Master of Music Degree from UW-Madison in 1969. Richard enjoys working musically with people of all ages and has directed several church choirs in his career. At Cargill UMC he conducts the Wesley Men, Alleluia Ringers and Janesville Choral Union, an outreach choral and orchestral organization connected to Cargill UMC that has been in existence for 140 years.
Richard taught for 25 years at Delavan-Darien High School. He helped found and/or direct the Northern Wisconsin Summer Music Festival, Lake Mills Civic Chorus, Beaver Dam Oratorio Society, Harvard Choral Society, and the Southern Lakes Masterpiece Chorale.
He is married to Marie and has three grown daughters who have all been raised in the church. His spiritual gifts include: Music, Teaching and Leadership