Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

August 2024 Family

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Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School Every Sunday (Except the 1st Sunday of each month)10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Everyone begins in worship together. Children may sit with their families or enjoy the children tables at the front of the Sanctuary. Following the Honest Questions, Compassionate Answers, children ages five through fifth grade will be invited to follow a shepherds to age-level Sunday school. Note: On the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday), children are invited to stay in worship with their families…

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Every Monday | 1 – 2:30pm | Lounge Prayer Shawl Ministry is a unique and powerful expression of God’s love and care.  We will gather for knitting or crocheting, conversation and snacks with the specific purpose of making and blessing Prayer Shawls. Cargill UMC has a rich history of Prayer Shawl ministry, and many people have been touched by the loving talent of knitters and crocheters.    It combines the love of knitting/crocheting with compassionate care into a prayerful ministry which reaches…

Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class 12 – 2pm | Room 011 (Youth room downstairs) The following is our meeting schedule. If there are any issues with any of these dates please contact Pastor Amy as soon as possible. Confirmation Celebration on October 20, 2024 at 10:30am worship

GIFTS Thrift Store

Come and Serve The 2nd Saturday of Every Month Lunch after at Culver’s on Milton Ave. Meet at the store | 1141 Black Bridge Rd.  What might we be doing? Sort merchandise | Unload donations | Stock shelves | Create displays Volunteers from the past events | We have lots of fun!

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School July 28 – August 1 | 5-8 pm | Dinner will be served Join us for 5 summer nights of food and fun as we explore Nazareth, where Jesus grew up! Take kids back to Hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son.