God’s Perfect Peace.

This week in worship: A Christian Response to a Chaotic World.

Weekly worship | Saturdays 5 pm, Sundays 9 am and 10:30 am

2000 Wesley Ave. | Janesville, WI 53545 | 608-752-0548

Cargill United Methodist Church embraces and welcomes all of God’s children, created in God’s image as people of sacred worth. We will continue to build a church that affirms the full participation of all ages, nations, races, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, or any other differences, real or perceived.

– Cargill Church Council, February 2024

Taizé Prayer Service

Wednesday, November 20 | 6:30-7:30pm | Sanctuary
Prayers of Gratitude

Taizé services will run bimonthly on the third Wednesday – next service in January 2025

Cranberry Donations

Cranberry Donations for ECHO Thanksgiving Baskets

Bring in canned cranberries only from November 2 – 20.
You can drop off donations at Cranberry Display across from the Donation Center.

Interested in doing more? Contact ECHO at 608-754-5333 for information on volunteering to assemble or deliver baskets.

Upcoming Events

GIFTS Thrift Store

Come and Serve The 2nd Saturday of Every Month Lunch after at Culver’s on Milton Ave. Meet at the store | 1141 Black Bridge Rd.  What might we be doing? Sort merchandise | Unload donations | Stock shelves | Create displays Volunteers from the past events | We have lots of fun!

Bible Blessing Sunday

Bible Blessing Sunday November 10, 2024 | During all weekend services All children entering third will receive a Bible. If you have a child entering third grade and you would like them to receive a bible, click link below. You may attend either service for your child to receive their Bible.

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study Sundays | 9 – 10 a.m.Meets in Room 106 | Led by Daryl Spors Join us for an Adult Sunday school class on Sunday mornings.

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School Every Sunday (Except the 1st Sunday of each month)10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Everyone begins in worship together. Children may sit with their families or enjoy the children tables at the front of the Sanctuary. Following the Honest Questions, Compassionate Answers, children ages five through fifth grade will be invited to follow a shepherds to age-level Sunday school. Note: On the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday), children are invited to stay in worship with their families…

Recent Videos

November 10, 10:30 AM | Worship

Today’s worship Walking in God’s Perfect Peace: A Christian Response to a Chaotic World. Message preached by Pastor Amy Powell Based on Scripture found in Matthew 6: 31-34 and Philippians 4: 4-8 Songs This is Amazing Grace O Taste and See Ancient of Days Promises Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, Addison Baker Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality Spoken Word | Amy Dora Worship Leader | Brittney Mansur UWF Presenter| Diane Quade…

November 10, 9 AM | Worship

Today’s worship Walking in God’s Perfect Peace: A Christian Response to a Chaotic World. Message preached by Pastor Amy Powell Based on Scripture found in Matthew 6: 31-34 and Philippians 4: 4-8 Songs Seek Ye First, Hymnal 405 Ye Servants of God, Hymnal 181 Christ is the World’s Light, Hymnal 188 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Hymnal 94 Let There Be Peace on Earth, Hymnal 431 Ministry of Music “I Surrender All” sung by the Wesley Chorale UWF…

November 3, 10:30 | Worship

Today’s worship Cargill UMC commemorates All Saints Day, remembering children of God who have died. We light candles, ring bells of remembrance, and call the saints lost in the past year by name. Message by Pastor Steve Scott, based on Revelation 21:1-6. Songs Open the Eyes of My Heart Here I Am to Worship This I Believe Closing King of Kings Worship leaders AV | Mark Banner, John Mansur Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane…

November 3, 9 AM | Worship

Today’s worship Cargill UMC commemorates All Saints Day, remembering children of God who have died. We light candles, ring bells of remembrance, and call the saints lost in the past year by name. Message by Pastor Steve Scott, based on Revelation 21:1-6. AV | Mark Banner, John Mansur Coordinators | Ramona Hohenstein, greeters; Jonas Muench, ushers; Carmen Minch, Diane Quade, hospitality; Aleta Thompson, Communion steward Organ | Brian Leeper Song Leaders | tba Spoken Word | Barbara Thompson Trumpets |…